Sunday, May 13, 2007


Ahoy there, m8! Grum = Grog + Rum.
Inked with Unipin markers, colors in Photoshop. 4 Hours alltogether and I'm quite satisfied how it came out given the time. The outline is little f***d up because I mergerd the multiply layer too early and was lazy to correct :)


D1kky said...

ej komad! sad cu te ovdje stalkat... hehe *evil laugh*

me likes the pirate girl... sad znam sta cu bit za slijedeci halloween. samo, nisam uspjela otkrit dal ona to ima ili nema gacice? :)

Ive said...

o zdravo!
naravno da ima gacice pa nisam ja perverznjak nekakav :)))
I naravno da mozes biti moja wench za sljedeci halloween hehe..

D1kky said...

eh ja vidjeh mnogo neprimjerene zense anatomije u tvojem sketchbook-u tako da nisam sto posto sigurna za tvoje (ne)perverznjastvo... ;P
lol, dogovoreno za halloween :)

keep up teh guz work!